Karmaveer Padmashri Dadasaheb Bhaurao Krushnarao Gaikwad Award
Selection Criteria for Awards (Individuals):
- Renowned social workers dedicated to the welfare of landless, agricultural laborers, and vulnerable sections from the Scheduled Castes and Neo-Buddhist communities.
- Must have worked in the social sector for at least 15 years.
- Individuals will not be considered for the award more than once.
- The award is not influenced by caste, religion, gender, or region.
Award Details (Individuals):
One individual will receive ₹21,000.
Selection Criteria for Awards (Organizations):
- Social organizations working in the fields of education, health, injustice eradication, superstition eradication, public awareness, and welfare of landless agricultural laborers for the upliftment of Scheduled Castes and Neo-Buddhist communities.
- Must have worked in the social welfare sector for at least 10 years. The condition may be relaxed for organizations with exceptional and substantial work.
Award Details (Organizations):
One organization will receive ₹30,000.
As mentioned above
As mentioned above
How To Apply
The application should be submitted to the Assistant Commissioner, Social Welfare of the respective district.