
    Karmaveer Padmashri Dadasaheb Bhaurao Krushnarao Gaikwad Award

    • Date : 01/01/2000 -

    Selection Criteria for Awards (Individuals):

    1. Renowned social workers dedicated to the welfare of landless, agricultural laborers, and vulnerable sections from the Scheduled Castes and Neo-Buddhist communities.
    2. Must have worked in the social sector for at least 15 years.
    3. Individuals will not be considered for the award more than once.
    4. The award is not influenced by caste, religion, gender, or region.

    Award Details (Individuals):

    One individual will receive ₹21,000.

    Selection Criteria for Awards (Organizations):

    1. Social organizations working in the fields of education, health, injustice eradication, superstition eradication, public awareness, and welfare of landless agricultural laborers for the upliftment of Scheduled Castes and Neo-Buddhist communities.
    2. Must have worked in the social welfare sector for at least 10 years. The condition may be relaxed for organizations with exceptional and substantial work.

    Award Details (Organizations):

    One organization will receive ₹30,000.


    As mentioned above


    As mentioned above

    How To Apply

    The application should be submitted to the Assistant Commissioner, Social Welfare of the respective district.